I am putting together an order for replacement doors, etc. I have frameless (euro) cabinets and would like to know when ordering doors for cabinets that will have plywood facing installed on the sides should the door(s) size be increased as well. For example, I have one cabinet (double door) that will have a plywood facing installed on each side, thus increasing the cabinet size by 3/8”. Should I increase size of each door by 3/16 to maintain the 1/8th gap between doors.
It's tricky, because those hinges will only cover the front of the frame by 3/4" max., so adding the 3/16" will make even More of the cabinet side show.
You really shouldn't increase the door width,, because of the hinge limitations. The hinges just can't make the door cove the 5/8" or 3/4" box and the 3/16" side.
Some people have used veneer on the sides to keep it nice and thin, and it works pretty well if you are going over laminate, because you can "snap" the veneer back off (to a point) if you see that it is not running exactly right the first time you start sticking it onto the side of the cabinet.
Laminate is the only material that is this forgiving.
ANY size over 12” x 12” can get a bit tough to work with, so we can’t recommend putting on big pieces, but it certainly can be done.
Remember, too, that because it is thin, and you will be pressing it on with a veneer applicator using great pressure, defects in the cabinet will show through, so make sure that the side is SMOOTH.
It takes time to line up and put on without bubbling or creasing (because you have to just let it go whichever way it wants to go (once started). You can't 'stretch' it to straighten it out, but if you get it straight (we always make the piece an inch or so wider, and expect to put a small molding at the back edge, in case we don't get it to run exactly straight.
Using the veneer on the "euro" cabinet ends will keep the sides of the cabinets essentially the same size, so you can use the same size doors, and have the same coverage that you are used to now.