Packaging and Boxing is excellent, and rarely do we get an item reported that has damage due to shipping.
The only exception to this is LONG pieces of plywood. It is much more beneficial to order the rough sizes that you ACTUALLY need, than to order a big piece that will almost surely be broken by the deliveryman.
Stacking smaller Plywood pieces makes a nice,THICKpackage that will withstand the rigors of travelling.
Most items are shipped by Fedex Ground or DHL. Someitems, like 700 series RTF (Rigid Thermofoil) Doors and 100 series Laminate doors, weigh 1 pound more per square foot than the equivelant wood door, and sell for half as much. When ordered in Large amounts, they will be shipped on a common carrier. It will arrve just as fast as the other carriers will, and you may even get a phone call from the shipping dock asking when the best timetodeliver would be.
Here are photosofthetypical packaging for anorder: