IMPORTANT: We use your e-mail address to respond to inquiries and send receipts to you.
Important account information communicated through e-mail may be affected by any e-mail filtering "SPAM" software you have installed on your computer.
To ensure that you receive important e-mails, do one of the following:
1. Add the "info@reface.com", "info@refacedepot.com" and "customkitchencabinet@yahoo.com" to your e-mail 'Safe List'. If your settings do not allow you to add e-mail addresses to a "safe list," use the Help section or contact your e-mail/internet provider's Customer Support to research your configuration options.
2. Check your 'BULK' or 'TRASH' folders foran e-mail from one of the addresses listed above, and mark them as "NOT SPAM". This will put them on your 'safe list'.
2. Disable your e-mail filtering "SPAM" software